Teaching Language Arts... A Welcome

The purpose of this site is to help students develop 21st Century Language Arts skills. Language Arts skills will help students becomes successful in evaluating literature, improving writing through correct grammar usage, expanding vocabulary, and expressing ideas through meaningful projects.

Pronouns Galore...

Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun refers the the subject and serves as a compliment of an object of a preposition. 

A simpler way to say it?  Think of a mirror.  A mirror shows your reflection.  A reflexive pronouns is the reflection of the subject and is usually found in the predicate of a sentence.
  • When travelling, my sister and I consider ourselves to be great judges of fine cuisine.
Ourselves is a reflection of my sister and I.

An intensive pronoun emphasizes a noun or another pronoun.
A simpler way of putting it?  Think of steroids.  Intensive pronouns intensifier or make the noun/pronoun stronger.
  • I myself am an expert in cheeses.
Myself intensifies I (me).